

to all who hurt

Pain, fear and darkness are swallowing me up.
Stop torturing me I’ve had enough!
I wish that someone could hear my cry. Hear my cry.
Acid tears come down my eyes destroying my face.
Pain is all I could feel. The stabbings in my back are bringing me down.
I’m stuck in bloody chains. Cruelty and evilness surround me like a stormy cloud.
The dark shadows surround me and I can’t escape.
I can even feel Pitch Black haunting me.
I’m tired of all the harshness. I’m tired of being everyone’s prey.
Imagine walking around with millions of cold and evil eyes on you.
All of my feelings have been torn out of me.
I have surrendered because I can’t take it any more.
It’s to late for help. I’m saying goodbye to all.
I’m going to a better place. I feel like  a free white bird flying away to paradise.
Now I can see the light and feel peace for once.
I wish that someone would have heard my cry.


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