
Simply say farewell to intellectual ability and commonsense and a hearty hello to rampant stupidly!

By Stanley Collymore
Sensibly, intelligently and also
very commendably securing
an obviously, distinctively
necessary and worthwhile meaningful
education, rather than most fatuously
and rather vaingloriously in your own
narcissistic evocation, of quite rabid
ignorance; by asininely, and likewise
tenaciously, quite stupidly asserting
that education and, very specifically
too, schooling aren’t of any genuine
importance really and, as such, and
basically discernibly simply without
it, numerous well-known celebrities
have undeniably financially and too
societally, evidently managed to be
extraordinary successes obviously
naturally effectively miss the point.
And here’s a simile to really prove
my point. Any fertile female and
fecund male, can undoubtedly
simply discernibly and unquestionably
cohabitatively breed, and senselessly
have children; a distinctly sexual act,
however, which does not, essentially
or automatically, literally make them
appropriate or really worthy parents.
And self-evidently, clearly ignorance
equally attendant with illiteracy and
actually wilful stupidity, fall into the
same amoral and asinine category!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Why exactly is it that in what's basically ostensibly the most modernized century in mankind's actual history significant numbers of the world's effectively ever growing population are very studiously eschewing the opportunity to obviously, and in my view, essentially undoubtedly avail themselves of an education? Not everyone has the intellectual acumen, I know, to literally be an Academic, brain surgeon or such like; or even have the wish to go into higher education. But clearly, when even some quite fatuous parents, along with their own offspring, irrefutably see no need of an education of any sort, it clearly does actually beggar belief.

But the real substance is that basically everyone has a brain and if it's actually not actually utilized, it's not that difficult to see how unscrupulous self-entitled and vile, toxically verminous scum can very easily and readily utilize such persons for their own malevolent and evidently also thoroughly egregious aims! Sadly but evidently discernibly history significant numbers of the world's ever growing population are very studiously eschewing the opportunity to obviously and in my view essentially and undoubtedly avail themselves of an education! Not everyone clearly, has the intellectual acumen to literally be an Academic, brain surgeon or such like or simply even have the wish to go into higher education. But clearly, when even some quite fatuous parents, along with their own offspring, see no need of an education of any sort, it clearly, as I’ve previously expressed, does actually beggar belief.

And to then go on, on the part of these very obvious imbeciles, to stupidly say, that the likes of Taylor Swift shows that an education isn't required, or distinctly relevant, and they too can become like her. Your choice of course but making loads of money in currently fad situations proves nothing of substance! You can lose money just as easily as you make it.

But the real substance is that basically everyone has a brain and if it’s actually not really utilized it's not that difficult to see how unscrupulous self-entitled and simply vile, toxically verminous scum can rather easily and essentially most readily utilize such persons as yourselves for their own malevolent and evidently also thoroughly egregious aims!


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