
Five thoroughly arrogant, selfish, waspish and self-entitled bitches!

By Stanley Collymore
No sympathy whatsoever on
my part for this quintet of
actually selfish bitches,
who while he was alive, rather callously
and quite easily also, voluntarily chose
to obviously rather consistently ignore
their grandfather that they individually
as well as collectively, generally never
bothered to even visit; yet clearly now
he’s dead, and his crucially irrefutably
and distinctively, discernible grievous
hurt at their actual combined actions
towards him is obviously manifested
in his will this same distinctly odious
quintet of mercenary bitches, in their
evidently puerile fit of churlish pique,
naturally and clearly malignantly too
display their rather vile and arrogant
self-entitlement solely for all to see!
Curiously though, what part of the
terminology disappointed don’t
these mercenary bitches not
understand? Cleverly though, their quite
hurt grandfather very intelligently didn’t
actually, leave them out of his will! And
so they each of them rather simply did
actually inherit a bit of cash– a total of
five Pounds each, for the five, of them!
Obviously brilliantly done by the canny
grandfather; but clearly regrettably for
these literally, undoubtedly mercenary
leeches not what they were expecting
but quite commensurate all the same,
to the generally paucity of time which
these significantly selfish oafs simply
ever basically, thought of him as their
grandfather or even casually as a real
human being, rather than obsessively
being clearly pre-occupied solely with
his money that they actually asininely
believed would literally, automatically
on his death, be handed out, to them!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
His money, his decision, his will! Equally also, malicious actions discernibly have consequences. Now advisedly basically take a quite hard look at yourselves and seriously think about changing who and what you really are! Meanwhile, pay your legal fees!

#Arrogance #SelfEntitlement

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