

To him

I feel so stupid
How could I be so stupid
Why would I be so stupid
Stupid, stupid for trusting, caring, honoring, and LOVING you!!
You had me
Had me and left me
So yes I feel stupid
Stupid for believing that you
You the man who could do no wrong in my eyes would want me
The stupid me
The gullible me
The naive me
But yet and still I must admit you had me
And You left me
You left the stupid me
Stupid for loving you beyond my being
You left the stupid trusting me
Stupid for trusting you with my life
You left the stupid caring me
Stupid for caring about you as much as I do myself
You left the stupid honored me
Stupid for being honored to be your girl
You left the stupid loving me
Stupid for being stupid in love
Hopefully one day
One day you may realize
Realize that stupidity is not all bad
But your type of stupid
That type of stupidity that you suffer
Will leave you feeling and looking stupid
Wise up smart man because your stupid girl
May be wising up too


This poem was about a recent break up I just had. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just my thoughts.
