

It was a rollercoaster with ups and downs, twists and turns
Before I could enjoy the ride it was over and I was left with burns
The sight of you could put a smile on my face
Never did I think I would be the one who will be replaced
You made my face turn red and kept me awake late at night in my bed
Daydreaming of you was a daily task, to bad you were the one wearing a mask
Moving on is easier said than done, battles between my heart and head is often fought but less is won
In only a few days you changed my perspective and point of view,
I learned a lot about myself and never to doubt my sixth sense when it comes to you
I still catch myself looking your way thinking; shouldn’t I stay?
You are like a bad habit that is hard to quit, that I have to admit
My heart says yes but my mind says no, maybe let’s just take it slow?
“ Iam ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight” when I look at the stars I still remember that night
Like an old time movie all the memories keep on playing over and over again
Where we are now, are so different from where we were then
The time is here, the time is now, for me to be selfish and let you go
We both need time to heal and more importantly to grow, that is the only way we will know
So forgive me if I don’t talk to you anymore I promise its not a game nobody is keeping score
Its just my way of getting over you and moving on, finding my happy place again in more than just a stupid love song
Step by step all the pieces will fit together, the skies will clear and make way for sunny weather.
With the ocean breeze on my face I have a calming feeling in my heart that everything that is lost isn’t always a waste.
