
The Coathanger

“Do I excite you?”
I wondered aloud to the coathanger.
There was no reply.
Quiet rebounded through the knots in his hooks.
Quiet rolled out of his nose,
And settled beside us,
And held my breath,
Watching, watching, watching.
It mangled my heart.
It ripped smoke from my lungs.
We gave one another deaf dreams and
I refused to weep, and
I refused to plead.
Melancholy draped of my soul, and
A feeling that had been lovely,
A kind of jewel,
Shifted to a cold Smelter smelting.
Do I excite you?
What an insult!
What fool asks that?
What fool bears a quiet as that?
Why am I sitting here,
Holding the truth his quiet spoke.


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