
The Lightning Darkness

I make the parallel universe from thine; Look: A different world were kindness is born perhaps of a different shape and form, Umcompresses innocence... Uncovers happiness... A world that’s full of saviours... Gives birth to generosity... Supports love... A world that grows hearts so they turn white... A world that’s fulfilled with truth to reveal the reality of the goodness they have... A world that loves the king and his queen... Treasure those who heart is pure... The rich is wealthy just like the poor... A healthy world that’s filled with fate.... They cure the ill.... They take in the planet’s repulses acceptances... There’s everywhere to stay throught the great ruination buildings of the globe we hold dear... I found that I’ve been dipped into the whitenesses.... I stay alive into the oceans of joy.... I am independently free with optimism, success, capacity and strength... The untie was broad... I am surrounded with the creatures of lightning darkness... They wanted from my soul to guard and keep... They unrestricted me clemently... They were gentle and kindhearted! So much amusement! I can bare that... So I joined them.. I became a creature like them... A creature that loves delight, obscurity and shadows... Tears are dried, Tongue is straight, Hope had revive, Honor is developing, Love is wholesome, Desire is increasing and my heart it’s placed... Fire is light and that light is life yet light alone is not enough... Thou may be alive but dead inside without purpose, will, power, passion, consciousness, motive or reason for living, in vegetative or automatic robotic state yet what moves the fire beyond those states... What gives the oxygen and breath of that fire alive in your pumping red blood heart the purpose, will, power, passion, consciousness, motive or reason to live alive... What moves the fire, energy and life of all humans or beasts... What makes them make, do, build, construct, protect, attack, defend, burn and destroy is the dark... The Demon in the angel, the god on the demon... The inferno on paradise, the heaven in hell... The lucidity of madness, the madness of sanity... The fullness of hollowness, The good on the evil and the devil of goodness is the pigment and essense of fire, the source of all art, the root of all true existence... The true self love of wisdom... The pigment of life and light for us to paint, advance, draw, create and demolish... More and more creative living creatures, beings and other kinds of creations and entities... For even undead folks maybe more alive than thee....

Everything there is a literal metaphor... We were never lost, we will always find it... What we are... And we conquer all with it... We always have reason... We always have been right... We always find us together, interconnected, united... Just the other ones do not get us... After all they are just simplistic, small and superficial poor minds without flame, without dark or light, people who does not understand the blaze... People unfit and unworthy of even to be cinder... All meanings are hidden from the ones who can not really see ourselves blossom deeply high and our spirit abysmally rising tall!.

For I am the darkness and the light! .
For the lightness is the darkness and the lightness is the dark soul of man!.

As you get inspired by me I get inspired by you.

I just know that I know it, I don't know how I know it but I know it.

Only us the few true ones are better and more worth it than billions of fake people (this is what we say).

The more dark version from my girlfriend is here: https://www.poeticous.com/trisha-riane/fifty-percent-bad-personality?locale=es

Darkness is also a kind of light and in there is a more deep light inside.

I am not a mortal, I am immortal!...

I will do my will over everything else & that is my important verse, my essential poem!.

The shadows have a perfect crown, the shadows have a different enlightenment!.

The nature are to be my power, I will govern them above the triviality of the crowds, above the triviality of the laws of the imperfect world, I will shape them and create them to a better and perfect form, will make my own laws, I will make a new existence!.

I myself have win, that is the imperative thing!.

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