
All of Me

To Christine Baldwin

You are the reason for my smile,
You are the reason for my happiness,
You are the reason for my strength
You are the reason for my dreams
Each and every day you remind me of my awesomeness,
You show me the good times,
You help me through the bad times,
Each day is a blessing to be by your side.
I embrace the days I am with you,
I am looking forward to our bright future together.
This is merely only the beginning,
You complete who I am.
All of me loves all of you,
You have shown me so much,
To say that my life has become so much more,
Well, that isn’t even the half.
These next steps are going to be such a beautiful experience,
My life was always missing such an awesome component,
You have found your perfect place with me,
This couldn’t be any more perfect.
My all is what I offer to you on a daily basis,
I just want to make you as happy as I can,
Your smile makes melt,
Your laughter reminds me that life can be funny.
No matter how bad of a day I had,
You are able to make me crack a smile,
So much of who I am today is because of you.
Without you by my side I would be half the man I am today.
We must never forget to kiss each other goodnight,
It is an important part of the day,
And reminds us how much we love each other
All of me loves all of you!


Other works by Aaron Robinson...
